Falls Prevention & Balance Training

Call Today for Free In-Home Assessment (613) 531 0931

Falls are extremely common, especially for those aged 65 or older. It can be devastating for an individual, as well as their caregiver, when a fall occurs. But, with preventative measures, you can feel safe and secure in and out of your home.

Unintentional falls are the leading cause of injury for Ontarians aged 65 and older. In 2017, there were approximately 135,000 emergency department visits for fall-related injuries for individuals aged 65-79, and nearly 149,000 emergency department visits for individuals aged 80 and above.

The most common types of falls result from slips and trips, falling down stairs, and falling from furniture. As you can see in the chart, as an individual gets older, he or she becomes more at risk for a fall.

After a fall, many seniors experience negative effects on their physical and mental health including:

  1. Fear of falling
  2. Loss of autonomy and independence
  3. Greater isolation; immobilization
  4. Depression

REPUTE’s nurses and physiotherapists work closely together in providing the following interventions to prevent falls and in educating you about the Falls Prevention Program:

  1. Home safety information session and assessment
  2. Consultation with the interdisciplinary team including physician, nurse, physiotherapist, and occupational therapist
  3. A six-week individualized exercise program, run by a registered physiotherapist, designed to improve balance, gait, and strength
  4. Education sessions about home safety, home exercises, and safe medication practice